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↔ Articles and Papers on Value Based Management

Strategy - Value Creation

Jack,  Value Mapping: 2nd Generation Performance Management

de Jonge , Dealing with uncertainty in strategy and valuation

Martin, Shareholder value versus corporate responsibility

McTaggart, The Governing Corporate Objective

Mitreanu, Strategy, Redefined

Valuation - Decision Making

CIMA, Maximizing Shareholder Value

CIMA, Understanding Corporate Value

Ghoshal, Business Schools share the blame for Enron

Oxelheim, Recognizing Macroeconomic Fluctuations...

Politan, Taking Performance Management to the Next Level

Salmi, Economic Value Added: A simulation analysis

Sveiby, Balanced Scorecard and Intangible AM compared

Weaver, A Unifying Theory of Value Based Management


Organization - Change - Culture

Ameels, Value-based management control processes

CESJ, JBM, a system for building an ownership culture

Chop, Build a Culture of Value Creation

de Jonge ,Shareholder and Stakeholder thinking at Banks, Insurance companies

Haspeslagh, Managing for Value, It's Not Just About the Numbers

Martin, Shareholder value versus corporate responsibility

Nymark,  Value-based management in learning organizations


Value of Intangible Assets

Amidon, The Intellectual Capital of Nations

Osterland, Knowledge Capital Scorecard

Sullivan, A brief history of the intellectual capital movement

Sveiby, Balanced Scorecard and Intangible AM compared

Sveiby, The Swedish community of practice

Leadership - Management


VBM Methods: 7-S | ABC | Ansoff | Balanced Scorecard | Baldrige | BCG matrix | Benchmarking | BPR | Brainstorming | Brand Personality | CMM | CFROI | CVA | Change Phases | Change Behavior | Competitive Advantage | Core Competence | Core Groups | Corporate Reputation | Cultural Dimensions | Deming cycle | DCF | Distinctive Capabilities | EBIT | EBITDA | EVA | EPS | EFQM | EVM | Excess Return | Fair Value | Free Cash Flow | GE / McKinsey matrix | Hierarchy of Needs | Hofstede | Human Capital Index | IAS | IC-Rating | Impact/value | IVM | Innovation | IAM | Kaizen | Levers of Control | Liquidation value | MAGIC | Managing for Value | MVA | Marketing Mix | Modeling | Net Present Value | NOPAT | Organizational Configurations | P/E ratio | PAEI | Parenting Advantage | Porter Strategy framework | Porter Value Chain | PDSA | Portfolio Analysis | Product/market grid | RAROC | Real Options | Reputation Quotient | Return on Equity | ROI | RONA | Simulation | Six Sigma | Skandia Navigator | SWOT analysis | TDC matrix | Theory of Planned Behavior | Total Business Return | Total Shareholder Return | US GAAP | Value Chain | Value Creation Index | Value Disciplines | WACC


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