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Management Roles (Adizes)

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The PAEI Model


Management Team Roles

The PAEI model (by Adizes) describes the four key roles that make up a successful management team:

- Producer

- Administrator

- Entrepreneur

- Integrator


The thought behind the Adizes PAEI framework is that no individual manager can meet all the demands of a corporation. An organization must bring together a team of managers in order to deal with today's complexity. Adizes PAEI learns that is not necessary to have a one on one relation between a role and a person: as a result a management team can consist of more or less individuals than four.


The importance of each role, both absolutely and relatively, is determined in Adizes PAEI model by situational factors, such as:

- the organization type,

- the size of the organization,

- the external environment of the organization,

- the stage of development of the organization.


The Adizes PAEI framework model can be used to bring the right mix of people together in order to maximize value creation and also to explain people to appreciate each others different roles and styles.

👀TIP: On this website you can find much more about management team roles and PAEI!

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