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Measuring, Managing and Communicating Corporate Performance

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Summary of ValueReporting. Abstract

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PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC)

The ValueReporting Framework (VRF) is a PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) approach for measuring and managing corporate performance and structuring communications about that performance.


Valuing Intangibles

Intellectual Capital

Strategy Implementation

Strategy Formulation

Corporate Communication


The VRF consists of four categories of information:

  1. Market Overview – Describing the industry dynamics facing the company, including the competitive, regulatory and macro-economic environments.

  2. Strategy – Covering the company's strategy, goals and objectives, organisational design and governance structure.

  3. Value Creating Activities – Describing the activities and relationships that underpin financial performance, including key non-financial areas relating to customers, people, innovation, brands and the supply chain, and environmental, social and ethical concerns.

  4. Financial Performance – Presenting the metrics used by management to monitor financial performance, and linking them to the company's strategy. This section should clearly detail issues such as business segmentation and the relationship between risk and return, as well as the ability to generate cash and reconcile internal performance measures to those reported externally to stakeholders.

Since traditional corporate reporting models (annual reports) don't meet the needs of the companies that report on their performance and the investors and other stakeholders who use that information. PWC has inrtoduced ValueReporting as an innovative approach to Value Based Management designed to meet investors’ needs for more and better information. The VRF from PWC supplements traditional financial reporting by helping companies provide a more detailed, transparent picture of their performance—market opportunities, strategy, risks, intangible assets, and other important non financial value drivers. The framework is tailored to reflect the findings for each global industry.


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PWC ValueReporting Framework PWC´s ValueReporting Framework

👀TIP: On this website you can find much more about ValueReporting!

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