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Valuation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets

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Valuation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets

Gordon V. Smith, Russell L. Parr

Valuation Intangible AssetsThis book with over 600 pages is probably the most comprehensive work on intangible assets valuation you can lay your hands on. It consists of three sections:

1. The Nature of Intellectual Property,

2. Valuation, and

3. Unique Circumstances.

"Valuation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets" contains up-to-date information on: market value and accounting value, capitalization, licensing and royalty rates, domain name valuation, embryonic technology valuation, and university technology transfers.

Also covered are tax strategies, income contribution, discount cash flow, infringement litigation, and bankruptcy and their impact on the valuation of intellectual property and intangible assets valuation.

The appendices include investment rate of return requirements, the use and abuse of the Iowa Curve, Sample Patent Registration, Sample Copyright Registration, and Sample Copyright Registration. This book is supplemented annually.

Highly recommended for the intangible assets valuation professional.

Value Based Management.net

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