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Forecasting and Estimating the Future

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Dynamic Regression

Summary of Forecasting and Estimating the Future. Abstract


Although nobody can really look into the future, modern statistical methods, econometric models and business intelligence software go a long way in helping businesses forecast and estimate what is going to happen in the future.  

The Dynamic Regression model is similar to Regression Analysis, but it is believed to produce more realistic results because it emphasizes the ripple effects the input variables can have on the dependent variable. For example, a price change made today might effect sales volumes in a variety of ways for many future periods.

👀TIP: On this website you can find much more about Dynamic Regression!

Compare also: Regression Analysis  |  Exponential Smoothing  |  ARIMA

Book: Jeffrey Wooldridge - Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach

Book: Russell Davidson, James G. Mackinnon - Econometric Theory and Methods

Book: Alan Pankratz - Forecasting with Dynamic Regression Models

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